My health issues may seem small compared to others but to me my health had changed a lot.
For the last ten years I have had less and less energy.
I have had episodes when I needed to be on an anti- depressant.
My legs and feet would ache and swell.
I have been having a lot of pain and weakness in my wrists and arms, even my shoulders and neck.
I thought I had carpal tunnel. I have had nerve tests done two different times. Both times I was told
I didn't have nerve damage. It was not carpal tunnel.
Some people have told me it was just because I was getting older, that it is just the way it is.
Deep down I didn't believe that.
Then, using a chiropractic procedure called decompression, Dr Redd/Anderson have reversed a lot of the problems
I was having with my neck, shoulders, arms and hands. An MRI of my neck showed I had degenerative disc disease, spurs,
bulging discs, and nerve compression. After the first week of these treatments I was able to sift flour! Something
I didn't have strength in my hands to do. Then after a few more treatments I had less pain. My neck wasn't hurting
all the time, even the pain in my shoulder(s) was improving!
My life has changed drastically for the better.
Since being a patient of Dr.
Redd/Andersen I have had so much
improvement. Thank you so much for helping me feel so good!